Officially Moving


This isn’t really a super impulsive or random decision honestly. I felt the need to move from LiveJournal since I didn’t really like their dated format and complicated customization. It’s just that I’ve been too lazy to go off and make a new blog once again. But since it’s summer and I’m basically doing nothing everyday, I decided I might as well.

For those new, I’m basically jpop trash and I rant all day about iSt and their mismanagement with GEM. And I’ll occasionally throw in some other jpop idol talk into here if I feel like it. I won’t really talk much about other jpop genres since they’re not as fun to talk about. I’m sure 90% of the posts here will be about GEM though.

As for the lame blog title, I couldn’t come up with anything better. GEMories was something I used on my tumblr blog, so why not?

That’s it for the lame intro. I’ll be posting something here that I should’ve posted like three weeks ago on LJ. I’m late cause I’m lazy.

Bye Nyan!